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Minecraft Panda Costume

Jennifer Herron

Minecraft Panda

School has started once again, which means its time to make Halloween costume for my son. This is going to be the 5th year I am making his Halloween costume.

The first year he was a hot air balloon,

Then it was a Construction crane,

The year after that was Pikachu, and last year was Bulbsausar.

Every year has some new challenge to making the costume. From custom Bulb-Shaped back pack for Bulbsaucer, to how much counter weight is needed for a crane to fit comfortable.

This year, I am back into the world of fun fur. After Pikachu and my own fuzzy pumpkin costumes. I have gotten some skills with the fun fur projects. I will share my tips on cutting and sewing fuzzy fabrics, with less mess.

So this year, my son has decided to be a Panda....... from Minecraft.

So I headed over to Pinterest, and I could not find a single Minecraft Panda Costume Tutorial!!

I did find lots of other great MineCraft costumes tutorials. So I checked out a bunch of ideas, and figured out a plan, that would check all the boxes, and headed to the Fabric Store to find the necessary supplies. 

E6000 Glue

For this project I was going to need a few supplies. I have provided a list of what I used, and the amounts I used or bought. You can source must of this at local fabric and/or craft supply store. I have also provided links to where to buy them, for anyone needing to use them

The links below, may contain affiliate links, which just means if you purchase from them, I receive a small commission. 


E6000 Glue - I used 4 bottles of this

Card Board from old boxes

Mine craft body suit

Cardboard & Glue

So I have decided to share the part that took me the longest. I can't stress this enough, please do all the gluing outside. Please learn from me, a  basement living is not consider well ventilated enough for the amount glue, being used.

The body suit pattern can be found on the link provided under the photo. I didn't alter the pattern measurements. However I made mine from cardboard completely and not felt. I am sharing this, because its the best pattern I have found, and they deserve the credit for this!!

The head piece is made from one whole amazon box. I placed an Halloween hard hat, that we had from a past Halloween costume. The hard hat is secured with some of the E6000 glue, 2 extra cardboard pieces placed on the sides and some tape. The 2 side board pieces are taped to the top of the head piece and then folded into the edge of the hardhat. I will be adding a string or elastic to the finish piece, to help secure the headpiece more.The ears were made from cardboard as well. with 5" square pieces, that have a 2" square cut out at one corner. I used a 2" cardboard strip to line the outside edges of the ears. Then glued & taped to the top of the head

Minecraft Panda head piece

After the cardboard shells are made, it's time to cover it in fur!!!Alright, I will admit that painting the cardboard would of been faster, and easier. However I wanted to make a fuzzy panda, and no one was talking me out of this.

I used tape, to cover all the edges, just in case the edges were sharp, and to smooth the edges.

For the pattern of the fur, I used markers to mark out where I wanted the colours. You can see some marks on the cardboard of some ideas of where to make the eye outlines.

Once I have the cardboard marked for the different colours, I cut the fun fur into strips, mostly 5" strips. I further cut the 5" strips down in the size of pieces needed.

Finally the gluing can start. I am putting my warning here again. If you decide to make this, or a similar project, please do the gluing in well ventilated area.

So I started with the ears and eyes of the panda.

Minecraft Panda body suit

Cutting a piece of fun fur, to match the area needed, and double checking fit of the piece needed. I have found that cutting the fun fur, slightly larger then needed is better. By slightly bigger, I mean 1/8" on each side needed.  This helps with keeping the edges fluffy and hiding the edges.You can see the difference in costume, of where I learned this lesson.

When I am gluing the fur down, I cover the area in glue. I found that placing large dots of glue and the using an old paint brush to spread the glue to cover the area. Making sure the edges are well covered.As I did this, I learned that making sure the edges that had fur already there, that placing some extra glue on the bottom edges fur, just the very bottom edges, so not to have glue being seen when finished.

I place the fur piece of the glue, and use the stick put of my paint brush to push the edges of the fur together, making the edges neat and less visible.

This trick is great when you are adding fur pieces of the colour next to each other.

When it came to the edges of the cardboard, I cut the fun fur a bit longer. So i can glue the fur around the edge and around to the back side. I used binder clips to hold the fur in place, as the glues dried. This helps keeping the edges neat, and made it possible to glue both sides at once. 

Pant pattern

Body Suit

Now for the under layer.I am just going to show the altering and adding of fur, making boxed limbs for  the pants. The shirt is a similar process, and if anyone does do this, please reach out if you need help.

I started  with a basic pajama pant pattern, as these was made with knit material, and I had knit material. If one had a woven fabric, and not a knit fabric, just use a woven pant pattern. 

The one major alternation needed was to convert this pattern to straight leg pants, instead of the taper, which is fairly easy to do. I did mine right on the fabric, with my tailoring chalk, however you could draw this on a separate piece of paper and make a new pattern.

First step is to take the outside seam, and draw a straight line starting at waist, or highest point of the hip curve, going down to the hem. depending on the taper of your pant pattern, the increase of fabric being used, could be a couple inches at the hem.

Pants with chalk markings

The second step is to the same on the inside seam, with will start at the crotch and go down to the hem.

Do measure the two increase amount of fabric at the hem. They should close to the same amount, ex  1" and 1". if this is slightly off, by a quarter of an inch, its okay. Once you start getting close to a half an inch or more, you are going to have to adjust the line. Easiest way to do this, is adjust the outside line. 

To increase the amount, add to the seam, (you are using elastic waist, so it will just gather more)

To decrease, start your line further down the hip curve, and blend out more.

After cutting out the pants, sew the outside seam, wrong sides together, front and back.

Next its time to divide the pants. The pants need to make a box, which is four equal parts, however the middle section is inside the leg and in 2 parts. For me, this was about 5" for each section.

So I measured my pants bottom, divided by four, and then divide one of those by two. I drew these lines, with tailor's chalk, all the way up. The front and back sections, go to about 1" lower then the crotch line, to give space. The center section, further up, about 1.5" - 2" below the waist. depending on your elastic. With the bottom of each strip starting where you will be hemming, not the bottom of the fabric, So 1" hem, starts 1' above the end of fabric

Ironing on interfacing

Next is prepping the fun fur and stiff interfacing. So taking the width of the lines, 5" in my case. I cut my interfacing in 5" strips and cutting the fun fur about 5.5".  I bought interfacing that is also iron -on, so i was able to attach my fun fur to the interfacing strips, which the extra wrapping around the back side, so none of the white facing shows.

I will warn you, the interfacing need to be set as to the instructions, most will be wool heat setting. Also the fun fur will attach, glue itself to your iron surface. Just wipe this off after the iron fully cools.

After ironing, pin the interfacing to the pants. I found starting with the middle section, pinning the section, then sewing it was the easiest. I always started a the bottom across the hem line first, then went up one side and up the other side. Before sewing the top closed.

After both legs are made, its assembling pants as usual. starting with sewing the seam of each pant leg, then the crotch seam. Taking your time to hem and add elastic to the waist.

Minecraft Panda Halloween Costume

Minecraft Panda Halloween Costume

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